Friday, December 02, 2011

Another Year Older

I turned 30 again this week! Spent the day helping others and going to the doctor. If my memory is correct, I believe I went to the doctor last year on my birthday. Happy Birthday to ME! If getting sick is going to be my present each year, I don't want it! I was tested for strep, but it was negative. Somehow it always it. I'm not so sure those swabs are accurate. While it seems I battle constant sickness and allergies, I really don't have the right to complain as I watch people around me who are very sick. Sickness that antibiotics and zyrtec can't fix. My Father-in-law, Jim is battling cancer. He was diagnosed September 1, 2010 and for the most part the past year has been pretty normal. Jim's health had remained steady and side effects from his chemo had been minimal. Until a few weeks ago when they discovered that the chemo wasn't working as it should. The doctor put him on a new chemo that caused him horrible mouth soars that had to die down before he could start taking the pill everyday. Once that happened, he's been doing ok on the medicine. His health is changing though. That can't be denied. He is now showing physical signs of pain and has a persistent cough. All due to the cancer. Because of these things, the doctor had him go through another round of scans yesterday to access where he's at with tumor growth etc. Jim will get those results on Monday, December 5th. We continue to pray for Jim and healing here on earth but the cool thing is, no matter what...He's ok with whatever happens. Jim knows his reward is great in Heaven. What a glorious thought!! All 5 grandchildren are helping Jim and Eleanor have an early celebration for their 40th wedding anniversary tonight. The kids will present them with a candle lit dinner, serving and waiting on them. The kids are excited! I can't wait to get pictures of this event! I know Gracie is very excited to play 'waitress'! This will be precious memories for all of us! We're not sure what the future holds with our family but we're certain it's in God's hands. We're also certain that we, as a family, will treasure our moments together. Thanksgiving was a good time together and Christmas will be a great time together! All the times in between and after will be special as well!