Saturday, September 30, 2006

You Never Let Go!

I have to share a conversation I had with Gracie tonight.

She was singing the Matt Redman song You never Let go, "Oh no, you lever let go. Through the calm and through the storm." Which I love to hear her sing!

I asked her who that song was talking about?
She didn't know, so I told her,
"It's about Jesus and how he never lets go of us, even when things get really yucky."

Why? She asked

"Because he always has his arms around us, giving us hugs." I told her.

Why? she asked again.

I said "Because he loves us so much!"

She asked "He gives me hugs? And he gives you hugs?

"Yes!" I told her "He holds us all the time."

Then in such a sweet voice she said "We've got so much Jesus in our hearts."

AW! Can you believe this from a 3 year old?? All I could do was smile at her.
I love the innocence of a child.

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