Have you ever not been able to speak because of what God was performing in and around you?
For me, this is rare. I often find myself not being quiet and still enough to know he is God and to hear him.
Well, yesterday God had me speachless with butterflies in my stomach.
On the way home from church Cris told me he had prayed a very specific prayer.
He asked God to have someone make an offer on the house today of a certain amount.
When we got home Isaiah fell asleep on the living room floor, Cris got on the couch to read a book and I was playing on the computer when we had a knock on the door.
I heard a man's voice ask "how much do you want for your house?" I got up and went to the door to find a couple with a little girl needing to buy a house closer to Hilltop (just down the road from us).
Cris invited them in to look at the house, then looked at me and asked if it was ok.
You see, I didn't clean at all on the day before, so stuff was on the floor etc.
Luckily I had just taken out 2 bags of nasty trash and had the dishwasher going. I told them they were more then welcome but to excuse the mess.
They understood b/c they have 5 kids themselves.
While they looked around at the house inside and out, I sat at the computer with butterflies in my stomach feeling nervous. I hadn't felt like since I don't know when.
I was so speechless of what was going on that I didn't get up to help show the house b/c of fear of what I'd say. I just sat at the computer and asked God to please let these be "the ones" and for Him to completely take over.
They didn't make an offer but they were truly interested.
Can you believe the way God works? He simply had someone come to our door to see the house.
No call, no appointment. This could be it.
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