Saturday, May 19, 2007


We had an open house today from 1-4 PM.
It was a definite flop.
1:00 no one shows, 2:00 still not a sole, 3:00 empty, 4:00 we're done!!
Not one person showed up!!!
Cris and I cleaned and prepared for hours. I even made brownies and lemonade!!
We didn't advertise well but we plan on doing this again in a couple of weeks.
We'll make sure it's known in the community.
We're still trying to get the house in London that we want. So far we've agreed on the price, but we've got to come to an agreement on some other things.
It's all in God's hands and sometimes that's what makes it so difficult.
It's difficult trusting what the outcome will be when we feel like we're walking around in the dark.
Oh, for more faith and patience!!!!

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