Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I give God Glory!

I had to take both kids to the doctor this morning. It's conveniently located so we walked right over. They've both been coughing, sneezing, congested and rotten. Gracie hurled chunks of hot dog this past saturday evening while in the bath tub but never ran a fever. I think all the snot drainage is making her belly hurt. Isaiah has sounded like a seal for the past two nights and isn't letting any of us sleep.
Luckily they don't have ear infections, it's just allergy related and possible viral. The doctor, which Gracie doesn't like at all, perscribed them a strong allery medicine of some kind.

Later today we'll be going to church to witness the baptism of one of our new couples at church.
Beth and Jason and their 7 month old son Caleb started coming to CCC about 6 weeks ago. Beth ,as well as 4 others, where baptized about 4 weeks ago and her husband Jason has decided to make the same decision as well. They are a super caring young couple who are wanting to do work for the Lord. AMEN!!
Beth is a young stay home mom so I think she and I are going to start a Bible study for new Christians. I feel as though I can be a mentor for her and help her along the way. God is gradually bringing women my way that are seeking friendships as well.

I also got together with a group of women last night for a relaxed bible study at our local park. A young lady in my Sunday school and Wednesday night class invited me to join the group. It's a mixture of about 6 ladies who are single, married, minster's wives, teachers etc all from local christian churches. We study, vent and a laugh! What fun!!! I give my God the glory for these events happening in my life!

1 comment:

Auntee M said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am now a blogger. Here is my link.

Pass it around to whoever we know. Have a blessed day.