Thursday, June 30, 2011

Movin' right along

When I was a child I liked to watch The Muppet movies. One was called Muppets Take Manhattan. Did you see that one? I remember a song, not sure if it was even in this movie, but the words were:
movin' right along
bump-a-dum bump-a-dum
foot loose and fancy free....

I'm clicking with the movin' right along part. I don't know about foot loose and fancy free. But God is doing some AMAZING things in the Jones family lives and in CITYChurch!
We are meeting people and making connections. I have the privilege of discipling four women right now! This is one on one time each week with four different women! I am loving it! I'm getting to know each one better personally and spiritually.

We had our first CITYChurch Girls' Night Out and there were 5 of us ladies there. We went to the new restaurant in town called The Basil Leaf Thai and Sushi! It was great! We then headed to Frogurt to check out frozen yogurt and a million toppings you can put on it! It was fun to be out of the house, away from my kids, and hanging with other adult women!!

We have our first public Q and A time Friday, July 1 at Panera Bread. We're hoping to have a good sized crowd of people to mingle with and share our CITY story.

God has blown our socks off over the past months (and years). He better slow down or we won't have any more clothes on!! What kind of witness is that??!!!

Lovin' what God is doing!!

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