Friday, August 11, 2006

Back to School

Well everyone I am a college student...... again.
At the wonderful age of 28, married, and two children, I'm going back to school.
I'm attending Maysville Community Technical College. I will be going on a VERY part time basis.
I have not been in college since 1999 so I will be taking one class.
I went in thinking I could register for an elective class, which was going to be Sign Language. I was so excited b/c I've always wanted to be fluent in ASL.
When I got there, I found out it's not even offered. So, biology is what was available. Please pray I pass this course!!
I will take one class this semester and maybe 2 next semester. My plan is to ease into this school thing very slowly. It may take awhile to get my "thinker" motivated!
Does this mean I get to go school shopping like we did as kids??!!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, that sounds like fun! Can I go school shopping too? It's funny, when you go to class as an older student, as opposed to when you are still a kid. It is so different!A different season in your life will reap such different fruits. You will do great! Although, I don't envy you with taking biology. Definitely not an easy subject for me!


Anonymous said...

I am sure you will pass your subject..Good Luck!!:)