Monday, August 14, 2006

We Did It!!!!

Gracie successfully made it through her first day of school.
Here's how the day went.
At 7:30 she woke up excited and ready to go! We took pictures and video (as any mom would do, right?)
We arrived at school at about 8:25. We walked into her room and got acquainted with the room.
We found her cubby and put her book bag into it. She asked where her friend Brianna was at.
We took her to the room next door and we talked to Bri.
That made Gracie's morning. After that, I could see a burden lifted!
We said our goodbye's and her teacher carried her off to play.
Before leaving I stuck my head in the door once more and she was quietly sitting on the rug holding her stuffed animal.
No tears where shed by anyone!! Except maybe Isaiah because he really wanted to stay!
When Cris brought her home at 2:00 she was wound tighter than an eight day clock.
She couldn't stop talking..... about nothing. She really couldn't describe a lot of her day, but she had a lot to say. She played teacher for the next 2 hours straight!
The big question I asked her was "do you want to go back tomorrow?" Her answer was "YES!"
Shew.... I'm relieved!


Dee Nurse in Christ said...

Brett's first day of kindergarden, we sat on the steps, waiting for the bus. He says, "Mom, will you be all alone today?...Don't worry, I'll be back home later. Will you be ok?" I said yes, but in my heart I cried no. About 2 weeks later...I discovered a lost treasure.....naps.

Dee Nurse in Christ said...

Brett's first day of kindergarden, I will never forget. He sat on the step with me, waiting for the bus (driven by papaw) and asked me, "Mom, will you be all alone today? I will be back soon. Will you be okay?" I said, "yes", screaming on the inside "no"! I did adjust and about 2 months later I discovered a lost treasure...naps!