Thursday, September 14, 2006

All Grown Up!

Today was a big day for me. NO, not because I had a biology test~
Because I took down Gracie's 3 in 1 crib bed. It was the type that went from a crib, to a toddler bed to a full bed.
Gracie decided she was ready to sleep in what she calls "pop and nor nor's bed".
So we went to the store and I let her pick out all new bedding.
Of course she wanted the princess stuff. We brought it home and it didn't fit. I bought bedding for a twin bed, not a full!
So I had to break her heart and tell her it was going back to Walmart....BUT that I would replace it.
I did replace it, but the princess theme was only in twin size. I crossed my fingers when I told her I got new bedding again. I prayed she wouldn't throw a fit over it not being "princess".
I let her help me put all of it on the bed today and that made her feel big and special.
After all that, I moved the bed around twice and moved the dresser and all!
It's a whole new big girl room with a big girl bed!

Oh, she's growing up so fast!

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