Monday, September 18, 2006

Class of 1996

I went to my 10 year reunion this weekend and boy was that something. And yes, it was held at the local bowling alley!!
I must say I no longer fit in no matter how popular I was back in the day. I don't drink, cus, smoke, or do drugs!
Out of my friends, there's few us who have our lives in check.
The rest, well.... I'll just say that they don't.
It truly was sad to see how disfunctional these "adults" are now.
They have children and say they've got their lives straight. But straight means you only get drunk when you party and only do drugs when you party.
It seems that people think that you can do those things recreational and be ok.
I disagree!!! I've never seen such messed up people! Morally, spiritually, physically and mentally they are bankrupt!
I thank God that I am a changed creature! Money, drugs, alcohol, big houses, big rings, fancy cars don't make you successful! I am so blessed and successful at what I do by being a mom, a wife, and friend and most importantly a Christian!
Thank you, Lord for the change you've made in me!!

1 comment:

Chad Doerr said...

I know what you're talking about. My ten year was a hoot.

Please tell me that you didn't have your reunion at the local bowling alley!