Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nuttin' Honey

Today I have nothing profound to say at all, but thought I'd at least drop by and say
So, have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

~32 TODAY~





Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Introducing..... Katie-Rae

Today the Joneses went outside and enjoyed our first snow fall of the season.

We decided to make a snowman (or snow-girl in this case).

While Cris and I were rolling the huge snow balls we asked Isaiah what he wanted to name the snowman. His response was "Kayee-Wae"!! Translation: Katie-Rae.

So we gave Katie-Rae 2 eyes of coal, a carrot nose, an UNC hat, and a scarf.

By afternoon, sadly Katie-Rae was dead. Her top two layers had toppled over.

So, Isaiah went to church telling everyone that "Kayee Wae is dead!"

For the record, this was the first snow-person I've EVER made! I'm glad I got to do that before turning 30!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I have the best news of all!
My sister-in-law, Lindsay and her sister Leslie were baptized this weekend, January 20, 2007!!
Praise God! What a way to start the new year!!
We have prayed for this for years and the Lord has now provided!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's a boy..... we think!!

My sister-in-law, Kelly had another ultrasound this week, and as far as they can tell, it's going to be a boy.

I'm still waiting on a name for Master Jones, probably won't get it out of her until he's born.

I do know this much, it must be at least 2 syllables.

Got any suggestions???
Doesn't that face just look like something David would do?? It's like he's trying to do "Chubby".
You remember that, "Hi, I'm Chubby. My momma says I'm chubby, my daddy says I'm chubby"..... etc

Thursday, January 18, 2007

back to school

Today is the day that I start back to the grind.
Once again, I'm only taking one class. This time it's a biology lab for 2 hours and only worth 1 credit.
Does that seem fair??
This better be an easy one is all I have to say!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Girls Day Out

Since Gracie had the day off from preschool we decided to go to the movies.
We drove to Mt. Sterling and had lunch at Taco Bell and then off the the 10th frame we went.
We got our tickets and a medium popcorn (without butter) and headed off to theater #5 for Charlotte's Web.
What a cute movie that was. I love that little Dakota Fanning. She is the most darling little girl.
I thought the movie was great even though Gracie had to play with the seats, kick the seats in front of us, and go to the bathroom one time during the movie.
Afterwards, we went to Walmart for our weekly grocery run. Cris and Isaiah met us there and then we had dinner at the local mexican restuarant.
Life is GOOOOOD!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

something to chew on

"The truly spiritual life is not an escape from reality but a total commitment to it"

This is a quote from "The Gift of Being Yourself" by David G. Benner.

It turns out to be quite a good read.

Monday, January 08, 2007

To play or not to play

OK, this has become a HUGE issue within my family, whether instruments are allowed in church service/assembly. According to some, "music to the Lord in your hearts" means NO INSTRUMENTS!!
If you read this blog, you MUST give me your take on this verse ( mainly the bold part)!!

"......... Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. "


Saturday, January 06, 2007


As I am reading Dr. Don Colberts book "The Seven Pillars of Health"
I can't help but share with you a very small portion of what I've learned about the water we may be drinking.

Go to and enter your zip code to find out what all is in your local water!

Some bottled waters contain more toxins than tap water and are not as closely regulated as tap. If you drink bottled water, check if the manufacturer of the bottled water is a member of the IBWA (Inter. Bottled Water Ass).

If you've not read or heard of "The Seven Pillars of Health" I strongly recommend that you pick up a copy ASAP!

To your health!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

Can you believe it's already 2007??
Time really does fly when you're having fun.
The Jones family had a GREAT Christmas season. We spent time in southern Indiana with my parents and then spent 8 days in North Carolina with Cris' parents and his brothers' family!
Let me tell you, it's crazy in a house with 6 adults and 4 children all ages 3 and under!!

As I think back on the last year and what I've done and accomplished I thought I'd make a small list.... not in any particular order.

1. I went to my first CIY conference
2. Our children celebrated their 3rd and 2nd birthdays.
3. I joined my dear friend Gina in an Ebay business
4. I celebrated my 5th year in Mary Kay
5. I joined Curves
6. I started back to school... and passed my class!!!
7. I got my nose pierced!!! OUCH!!!!
8. I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary and my 29th birthday!
9. I have seen the Lord take care of my family in MANY ways! Thank you, Lord!
10. I witnessed the death of someone way too young to die of cancer
11. I started teaching a girls group at New Life
12. My sister in law (Kelly) has become pregnant by the miracle of God's hands!
13. Gracie started preschool
14. I started reading multiple books, to which none I have finished!