Monday, June 25, 2007

good news

Cris called me today to let me know that we have a potential buyer coming this Thursday.
I am so thankful. We've not had any activity in about 4 weeks now.
They are wanting a house in the country and it so happens we have what they need......
smack dab right in the middle of it! (cows not included)

Please pray that this is the family to purchase our home.
Cris will be at Pecks Ridge on Thursday along with Jackie and Nina Pollitt to load up the essentials from the house to move into the apartment we will be living in in London.
I don't want to get excited or my hopes up simply because they've been shattered each time, but I also know these people are sent by God to look at our home and I just really want this to be the ones to buy!
I am seeking your prayers!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

We'll keep this situation in our prayers and even cross our fingers for good measure!