Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 4


Boldness vs. Rudeness
Boldness vs. Arrogance
There is a big difference between getting people to notice you and getting people to notice God!
Boldness makes people see GOD!

What facing danger does to us:

Lacking courage makes us stubborn
Lacking courage makes us skeptical
Lacking courage makes us selfish
Lacking courage makes us short sighted

Of the four words above, which applies to you??

What type of person does God partner with?

1. People who are doing the right thing Acts 3:1
2. People who are willing to be interrupted Acts 3:2-3
3. People who pay attention to needs Acts 3:4
4.People who give and inspire hope in others Act 3:4
5. People who use what they have Acts 3:6
6 People who realize that they're source is God Acts 3:6
7. God uses those who are willing to try Acts 3:7
8. People who want God to receive the Glory! Acts 3:11

Boldness is not a technique, it's an attitude!!!

God can not draw out of you what you do not allow him to fill you up with!

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