Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So busy

I've not posted in forever! You could say I've lost touch with the internet for awhile.
Now having internet while at home makes it really difficult to keep up with "Keepin' up with the Joneses!!
Our latest news is that we've moved again.
We were in the 1 bed 1 bath apartment just over a year.
We've now moved into a 3 bed 2 bath home with plenty of room to play, sit, homeschool and just have fun!!
We're so blessed and excited to begin "normal" again.
We leave for vacation on Friday for a week at St. George Island, FL with my parents and brother's family.
This is a much needed vacation!!
After that, Gracie will start school here at the house.
The Lord gives you what you want, as I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger!
Now that we have a home, we have internet. I just have to go into our storage building and find our desk top!!
Both our lap tops have bit the dust for some reason. I miss them!!!
So, I use Chris' work computer when he brings it home.
I'll gradually get back to posting more regularly!!

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