Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fall is hair

I've been waiting and waiting to get my fall "do" done.
I went in to the salon on Monday to have it darkened. Which, it is dark but I like it.
She put some mocha and copper in it. But I thought it looked a little too dull. She agreed.
So she said if I could come back that she'd put some highlights in it at no charge. I said "yeah, I can come in!!!" DUH!!
So today she put some red through-out the top. It's not really noticable in the pictures but it's there very subtly. It's a bright red too, but I love it!
I have to get used to this new me. When I look into the mirror I forget how dark it is and have to look again.
I think Chris likes it because it gives him a feeling of waking up to a new woman.
Blond wife for summer, dark haired wife for winter! Not bad!

Thanks Dena, you did great!


Rebecca Jo said...

I'm a red head also - dont believe the old saying about blonds having more fun - I like the red head life! It seems to suit you!

Jennifer said...

I love your hair! It looks great I have had mine red before, and I loved it for a change. Change is good sometimes. Rock on with your bad self!

Jeremy said...

well i aint never done saw ya but once an i thought u looked fine but i really like that new dew you look more better than a new set of snow tires happy day turkey