Saturday, October 15, 2011


I was in my REM sleep. Dead to the world when I heard Winston meowing from the other room. It took a few meows for me to realize 'HE NEEDS TO GO OUT TO USE THE BATHROOM"! Winston is technically an outside cat, meaning he stays in at all times, but uses the bathroom outside. He doesn't have a liter box in the house. When I opened my eyes I immediately noticed the sun light coming into my window. My inner-head reaction was OH CRAP!!! I knew if the sun was out, it was past 7:15, which is wake up time for school. I was frustrated because my alarm didn't go off. 'Why didn't my alarm go off?' I asked myself. 'What day is it that my alarm WOULDN'T go off?" These thoughts and questions all happened within a matter of seconds. I grabbed my phone, checked the time, 8:01 AM. My inner voice became my audible voice and I yelled 'OH CRAP! Now we're late for school and the cat needs to use the bathroom. I blinked my eyes, collected my thoughts, looked at the day and date on my phone......SATURDAY!!!! AHHHHH, (this is where I'd normally go back to sleep for hours) BUT, remember, the cat needs out. Because we now have a huge, 90 pound, 3 year old lab, Winston can no longer go in the backyard. We are gradually letting him in the front yard trying to get him used to staying around the house, not going into the neighbor's yards or the road. He was used to having free roaming in the backyard because of our privacy fence. As you can sense, I'm a little protective of my four legged, long-haried baby. I 'walked' the cat (this is where if I had a cat leash, I'd be using it), got him back in, ran the dish washer, swept the floors, make a cup of coffee, and got back into bed to enjoy this warm cup of goodness!! Happy Saturday!!

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