Friday, September 28, 2007

do I hear chickens?

It's here,

the whole reason we moved to London, Ky....

18th Annual September 27-30, 2007

The festivities kicked off last night in downtown London. Our church youth has a food booth that I am hoping to help run when I get up and running.
I at least want to get the family out there one evening to see the activities. According to the chicken festival website, the festival has been voted as one of the Kentucky Tourism Council's "Top Ten" Events and the Southeast Tourism Society "Top 20" Events. It has also been voted"Best Festival In State" by KentuckyMonthly Magazine.

WOW!! I'm proud to be a part of this! CLUCK CLUCK!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is this all there is?

I'm still here, and yes, in the same spot..... my bed. At this point I should have bed sores and a walker.
I'm on day 5 of the yuckies. I went to the doctor today to make sure I wasn't dying of something I wasn't aware of.
I woke up this morning with a sore throat so then I knew I could be dealing with a whole new animal. She tested me for strep and it came back negative.
She came to the conclusion that I got too dehydrated on Saturday and that my body was depleted of electrolytes. Thankfully that meant no more ginger ale, now it's Gatorade time with a dose of a daily multivitamin. (why didn't I think of that sooner?!)
It has seemed to help. I don't seem to be so tired and nauseated since the Gatorade and multivitamin.
At this point I'm gonna have to take up weight training just to be able to walk around. My legs feel like jello! On the up side, I have managed to lose a few pounds, but this is not the recommended way to doing it!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Round II

It's 9:45 PM on Monday and Isaiah is now vomiting!
Just as we thought it was over and we had the bad food out of us.... now we're thinking virus!

I'm still in bed with a headache from the devil and feeling a little nauseated. Cleaning up puke doesn't help matters any.

*** (five minutes later)***

I had to take a vomit clean up break. I hate to see my children sick and hanging over the toilet!!
This could be a long night!

Our prayer tonight is that we all make it through as peacefully as possible!

sick as a dog

It's Monday, 10:30 AM and I've been in my bed since Saturday at 6:00 PM. That's 40 ours I've spent in my bed.
It all started this past Friday. I got up late and did't eat breakfast and then all four of us went to Mr. Ghatti's for lunch. Chris and I had the salad bar that didn't look so fresh. I told him after I ate it that maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do. Not long after eating I got sick to my stomach, a headache and just nauseated. It never went away all day Friday. I told myself it was due to not eating well that day. I woke up Saturday morning feeling fine. I went to Lexington to meet up with my girlfriends for lunch and shopping and felt fine until about 4:00. I had a headache and my stomach started to feel upset. I went through Chic-Fil-A drive thru and got a diet coke and chicken sandwhich, hoping to calm my stomach and make my headache go away.
As I was driving home the nausea set in a little more. Chris called me around 5:00 and told me he was on his way to camp to speak but didn't know if he was gonna make it because he was sick feeling. "Great!" was my thought. Ends up he wasn't able to speak due to "nasty" coming out both ends!!!
I got home around 6:00 pm from Lexington and got straight into my bed. By 7:00 my head was over the toilet doing something I had not done since I was a child.....throwing up!!
I was freaking out inside. I didn't know what to do or how to react. I serioulsy had not thrown up since I was about 8 years old, and it was coming up hard!!! I called Amy to warn her I was sick since we all ate together and most of us had a salad. She said she felt fine. So, food poisoning was now in my mind. Chris and the kids got home and for the next few hours he and I were sharing the single toilet. I have never felt pain in my stomach like I did that whole night. I had major pains in my upper stomach. They were sharp, strong, intense pains. Chris said he too had these pains that he'd never had before when throwing up. I think Mr. Ghatti's gave us food poisoning. Some friends of ours from church came and got the kids for the night so we could die alone!
My body cramped from head to toe from all night Saturday until Monday morning. I took phenegren Sunday night to release the pain and slept a very long time!! My stomach is feeling more normal this morning, but my head feels like it's going to explode! I guess I got dehydrated and that's why my legs where cramping the way they were. I couldn't lay still in bed from the intense pains going down my calves and through my thighs.
I'm hoping by tomorrow morning I'll be able to get up and walk. Right now when I get up I get very dizzy from my head hurting so bad.
All I know is, I don't EVER want to do this again. As for Chris, he does this once a year. He got over it much quicker than I did. He was able to go to church Sunday night while I was still laying in bed dying! He's been cleaning house today like a mad man. I don't know how he's doing it. Maybe it's becuase I ate a sald twice the size of his.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Up and Running

I got my power cord in today and now want to share some Florida pictures with you.
Above are my parents, Mason, Isaiah, Lakin and Gracie after a crab hunt!
I think these 2 of all the kids are the only pictures we got all week of all of them together!!! They had a wild time!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm behind on my blogging and blog reading due to the fact that I, once again ,managed to vacuum up something that I shouldn't have. This time it was my power cord to my laptop.
Without it, my laptop doesn't work. Chris brings his laptop home from work at night and I use his for now. I ordered a new power cord on ebay and it shipped out today. I hope to get it in the next day or two!! At that point I will be able to send some pictures out of our Florida vacation. Needless to say, Chris was a little disappointed that I managed to suck up another item of importance. Maybe he'll take away my vacuuming privilege again.

Friday, September 14, 2007

last night

Well, it's our last night at the Sand Trap house. It's been really nice. The weather was great considering we had at least 40% chance of rain every day. We only got rained out from the beach one day. The island is beautiful and the shops are super neat! I can't wait to come back but with Chris next time. I hate that he had to miss out on all this water, sand and sun!!
We'll hit the road early tomorrow and travel for a good 6-8 hours and then stay the night somewhere in Georgia. I'll talk to you once I'm back in Kentucky.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

rainy day

I have taken all the pictures I can take on my digital camera. I forgot my cable to download any pictures while here. Which really aggrevates me because my plan was to download the pictures off the camera so I could send some to Chris while we're gone as well as put them in my blog.
Now my camera is full and we still have 4 full days left of the beach. BUMMER!! I ony have about 30 pictures which really isn't enough for a vacation!! I hate when I do bonehead thigns like that.
Today was a rainy day. It has come on and off. We were able to play and lay out for a few hours and the rest of the day has been spent lounging around, reading, sleeping and a trip to the local piggly wiggly.
You just never know what kind of weather you're gonna get at the beach, especially at hurricane season.
Well, over and out for today!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

St. George Island

We made it!! After about 13 hours of total driving (broken up into 2 days) the Jones family has arrived at St. George Island, FL. The ocean is rough and dirty due to the hurricane that is headed our way. We managed to get a little over an hour of sand time in this evening. The sun is shining without a cloud in the sky so far. This evening was a gorgeous evening for the first night of being here. We only hope for the next 7 days to be as sunny and cloudless but the weather forcast isn't looking like that will happen. Once I get the camera out on the beach tomorrow I'll be sharing the much awaited photos!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Not looking good

The kids and I leave tomorrow morning for a ten day trip to Florida and I still feel horrible.
I've been sick to my stomach since I woke up Tuesday morning. I went to the doctor yesterday and was told I have a cold and that I have fluid in my ears and a swollen throat. My stomach is so nauseated that I've not had an appetite. I better lose weight is all I can say! I've eaten pretzels and soup for the most part.
If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow I don't know what this trip will be like.
The doctor gave me a Z pack which usually kicks in really quickly for me. But not this time.
I took some sudafed earlier to see if I can dry up some drainage and maybe my stomach will stop being so whoozy! Please pray I'm feeling better by tomorrow morning or this could be a long trip. We plan to drive 3-4 hours from London tomorrow and stop for the night and then do the rest of the trip on Saturday. Remember, there will be my parents, 3 toddlers, and a 6 year old. PLEASE PRAY!!!
FYI: I'm not pregnant!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

no good, very bad, rotten day

I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a mac truck.
My head hurts, stomach hurts and I have zero energy. I went to my Tuesday evening bible study at the park and that made me feel worse in the hot weather. By the time I got home I was just nauseated. I took a hot bath and that was not a good idea either. So I've been in bed since about 7:00 PM. I'm hoping I'll sleep really well tonight! The kids and I leave Friday for a 10 day vacation to Florida!! We've got to get feeling well in this house!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Day

I woke up this morning to an anniversary card in the bathroom from Chris. It was a sweet simple card. I kinda felt bad because I think this is the first year I didn't even get him a card.
When I got to church I thanked him for the card and told him he did more than I did. After church we went to a Mexican restaurant with another family from church. I celebrated our anniversary by taking a 2 1/2 hour nap today. I guess I'll be up until 2 AM again. We have no idea what we will do tomorrow on our day off. I've talked about going to Somerset, KY for the ShoutFest concert. Jeremy Camp and Super Chick will be there along with others. It's a free concert but I'm afraid it may be super hot and super crowded! We'll just have to see how the day goes. I definitely want to cook something on the grill along the lines off corn on the cob, chicken and garlic bread!! YUM YUM!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

7 years

Chris and I went to Richmond, KY today to eat at Red Lobster and go to the mall there and shop around. We went out to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. Our anniversary date is tomorrow, September 2, 2007 but it was on a Saturday that we were married. It already seems too long ago. Chris was supposed to get a babysitter but didn't attempt to call anyone until yesterday so we couldn't get one. For the first time we celebrated with a night out on the town with the kids. So honestly, if felt like a usual night. You know, fussing, fighting, spanking, threatening (the kids that is) and potty breaks. Usually Chris' parents are in town this time of year, but things were different at his moms work this year. I guess after so many years of marriage and children this is just the way it becomes, no gifts, no cards, no I love You's. Now that's sad!!!