You've wondered where I've been the past 12 days haven't you?? It's so good to know someone out there misses me!
Well, as you can see by the pictures, we were at Myrtle Beach!
We went with Cris' parents (pop and Nor Nor to Gracie and Isaiah) and had a blast.
Cris and I hadn't been on a vacation or to the beach since our honeymoon in Sept of 2000. We were very desperate for a get away and I was really longing for the beach.
Had it not been for Pop and Nor Nor this trip would not have been possible!!! We stayed in a condo at Myrtle Beach Resort. It had a sauna, work out room, tennis courts, kiddie pool, lazy river, 4 regular pools and of course the wide open ocean!!
Cris and I were able to go out a couple times by ourselves to "ride the waves". We didn't have boogie boards or anything, so we just rode 'em out on our bellies.
A time or two we got trampled by some big ones. There's nothing quite like fresh ocean water up your nose and down your throat at once... not to mention where the sand goes!!
While there, we were able to take in God's awesome creation. We would watch the tide change as it would go in and out all through the day. It's absolutely amazing how God created such a vast ocean that we can have no control over. I felt so small in the big body of rough water. At one point I went quite a ways past were the waves break and Cris said I was "out further than what made him comfortable." I'm a little bit of a dare devil, well until we got talking about sharks... that's when I came in a bit. It was hard for me not to think of Jaws while floating on top the rolling waters. I'd get myself all worked up over nothing. Again, that's the thrill seeker in me.
We were also able to go the a place on the Myrlte Beach strip called the Pavillion.
I have never been to MB so all of it was new to me, but Pop and Nor Nor told us of when they were younger how they came to MB for their vacations and went to the Pavillion for evening fun. It was a neat place. It had a carnival type area where the kids rode rides. It had roller coasters, clowns and games... all kinds of neat things. It really was a neat place. This is the season finale of the Pavillion, after this summer they're tearing it down.
Hopefully it won't be 5 1/2 years until our next vacation!!!