Let me share a part of my day with you.
I had a dentist appointment at 10:00 AM to get a cavity filled tooth drilled on.
I was
sweatin' it! The reason, it had a deep cavity that could (and can) lead to a root canal. I fear the thought of pain at the dentist and I explained that to him.
He told me there was nothing to worry about because he was going to numb me up good.
He gave me two shots (which didn't hurt) and told me I shouldn't feel a thing because he gave extra for precaution. He poked on my gums and asked if I could feel it. I said "yes". So he proceeded to give me a third shot.
AHHHH numb!!! VERY numb!!!
I put my ear buds in and went to
musictown on my
ipod. I didn't feel a thing, but was as tense as a hooker in church. I was afraid of the pain I
might feel. After the drilling, suction and vibrating thing in my mouth he told me "if you didn't feel anything during that, then you're good!"
Oh, I was able to relax. I felt my butt cheeks finally touch the chair and my palms were beginning to dry up. "Wow, this is easy" I thought.
All in all, it ended up not being bad. He did tell me if I have any type of pain in the tooth, to come in for a root canal. If I can make it six months without any trouble then I should be good to go. With my numbed up and drooling face I smiled and said "shanks." I was numb for 3 hours!
Can you believe that?? I don't mind to bite on my cheek and drool for 3 hours as long as I don't feel a thing during the procedure.
We just had a
DQ open in London and the kids wanted to go there for lunch. So we did.
I had to chew on the right side as well as learn how to drink
thru a straw again. I told Chris I never wanted to have paralysis of the face. I know when I ordered our food the girl had to notice my mouth not moving. After we ate and got back to church Chris noticed he didn't have his phone. I called it and no answer. I continued to call it and it went straight to voice mail. Not a good sign! He hurried back to
DQ and tried looking in the booth we were ate but he didn't want to scare the people sitting at it. He asked a worker if
they'de seen it and they hadn't!
Oh boy, not the phone! He decided he'd go back to work and come back to
DQ again later.
I called AT&T to have a block put on the phone so calls could not go out or come in.
I thought for sure it had been stolen and ready to be put on
ebay for .99. The kids and I headed to Corbin to go to the large Christian book store there. While there, my phone rang. It was a young girl who said"I found a phone in the
DQ parking lot." Well, I got
really excited and people in the store new it!! I thanked her a million times and she offered to take it to him at church since she was in town. Praise the Lord! She saved us from a lot of headache and money.
The cool thing is, Chris got to meet someone and it could end up being an ordained moment by God! ***smiling!***
Now let me rewind. On my way from church to Corbin I was nearly in a very serious accident.
It shook me to the core.
A big dodge truck was coming down one of our roads. It's a very busy, 2 lane road with a speed limit of 35 mph. They were probably going faster than this but either way, they managed to drop their right wheel off the road. They over corrected and were heading towards me.
I saw smoke and heard their tires
squeal! All I could say was "oh my goodness!" My reaction time was
nonexistent (could have something to do with the numbing
medication). By the grace of God he was able to pull that truck back into his lane right as I came past him.
Adrenaline flew through my body immediately causing sweaty armpits and shaking hands. I stopped at the apartment and my legs were shaking and were so weak that it was hard for me to go up the stairs.
Gracie, remembering the last fender binder we were in, said "we almost got a dent in the car!"
I explained to her this would have been more then a dent. It would have sent us spinning off to who knows where.
Oh I was scared and thanking the Lord out loud for his protection!
In short, the Lord showed us his mercy in three BIG ways today.
First-by letting us meet a dentist at our church who is willing to help us out.
Second-by letting someone find his phone and then have to come to
CCC to drop it off...... I see cool things happening!
Third- He spared the kids and I from what could have been a wreck.